Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Cake Mix

            I made a cake today. It’s a Miki style cake – the batter is dyed bright colors and arranged in a gorgeous tie-dye. I dyed the frosting with the leftover food coloring too, it’s really quite unique. While I was mixing the coloring into the frosting and combing colors to make it pretty Naomi was watching me with fascination. When I mixed red with yellow to create orange she practically squealed with delight. I asked her “Naomi, do you know what colors to mix in order to make other colors?” “No,” she answered, “you must teach me.”
            Honestly I was a little bit taken aback. I remember learning about colors and the color wheel when I was six! And here is a 39 year old woman who is amazed to find out that yellow and blue make green! Of course I gave her a quick lesson in primary and secondary colors, and she soaked up the information.
            When I work on painting I’ve had people ask me, “Where did you learn to paint? Did you study painting in school?” I laughed a little inside when they asked me that. To think I would need to go to university to paint a wall! It was ridiculous. But now I think I understand why they ask. In a society where combining colors for a desired effect is unknown, then it makes sense that they would expect me to have special schooling in order to paint a wall.

            It’s these types of things that inspired me to create a library here. And I’m so thankful now that it is open and the children will have access to all of the books that have been purchased and donated towards it. It’s been fun watching the kids come in and read, poring over the books with rapt attention. I know they are excited about it. I’m excited about it too. And I would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated to making this library a success.