Friday, February 27, 2015


Naomi is a strong woman. She's one of those people who has a sparkle that catches your eye and makes you smile. Here in Chad, where women have almost no rights she managed to get a divorce from her abusive husband and is now raising her four boys by herself.
She is always up for an adventure. When Charis and I decided to go to Lai for the fete, Naomi came with us and was the life of the party. I don't think she knows what it means to be embarrassed.
One of her most often repeated phrases is "We are together." Compliment her on a job well done, "We are together." Tell her a funny story, "We are together." Always. We are together.
There is just so much life in her it's amazing. She is dramatic, funny, easy to talk to and amazing. She is one person that I would love to take on a visit to America. It would be like taking a little kid into a toyland. She would be overwhelmed by everything and I'm pretty sure her vocabulary would consist of mostly awestruck 'Wows' and incredulous 'Whats'.
Oh, have I mentioned that she also has 10 languages under her belt including English, making her the perfect translator. Yep, she's superwoman. I want to be like her when I grow up.

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